Thursday, January 22, 2009

I love my big bay window!

So, today I took pictures of Julianna (mostly) because she is now 4 months old. Kind of trippy to realize that she is indeed 4 months old, but there it is...I can't change it. My kids were in a particularly restful/happy mood today, so I whipped out the camera a shot about 70 or so pictures. No big set up, just in my livingroom with daylight coming through my big bay window. I love my big bay window. I have used it several times before while photographing my kids, and let me tell you, it is fabulous! So much light comes streaming through that I don't have to use a flash! It is like we are outside taking pictures, but without the cold! I absolutely adore natural light and the fact that I can shoot pictures of my kids inside my house using natural light is a wonderful, wonderful thing!

Here are a few examples of what we accomplished today:

Aren't they cute? I love it!


Jen said...

Way cute! I really love the one of
Evie. Its just so natural and so happy and I think she looks cute. I kind of think I looked a little like her when i was younger but she is much cuter.

Sherri said...

Wow - Evie is so big! And so are the others. I am with you on the amazement of how fast time roars. In my book you are still expecting #3... good thing we're not going by my book. You children all look healthy and happy. I hope you are all enjoying your new home and ward.