Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gratitude Journal

This year for Relief Society, we have been challenged to keep a "gratitude and service" journal. We made little notebooks and we are supposed to write in them everyday- 1 thing we are thankful for and 1 thing we did that was of service to others.

My journal is going to be simple...I have the simple pleasures and services of being a mostly stay at home mom. But, I thought I'd share with you my entry from yesterday:

1-9-08: I am thankful for a 4 year old daughter who in response to the question: "What does leg start with?" answered: "A foot".

It is always amazing and pretty much the cutest thing to see the world through the eyes of a four year old. I am starting to understand the Savior's direction to us to "become as little children"...only my little children could have ever gotten the lesson through my thick skull. And I am grateful for that!

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