Saturday, February 16, 2008

Capitol Bridal Shoot

Today I had the wonderful experience of shooting bridal portraits in the Utah State Capitol Building. What a wonderful building! There was a bank of big windows that we started at, and that turned out fun. Add columns and stairs and so much marble it starts to all blend together, and you have a recipe for really fun pictures. I almost fell down the stairs twice today because my scatter-brained brain lost track of where the first and the last step were. That would have been bad...I probably would have broken my camera and hurt myself. But, lucky, I came out unscathed. There is a huge overhead skylight over the big marble staircases...Oh my goodness! It was perfect! I didn't have to use my flash hardly at all! I was so excited! I don't like flash photography (except in the studio) and I am really more comfortable doing natural light photography, so it was perfect. We were inside away from the cold and the snow and the wind, but I got to use mostly natural light! It was great!

I have a couple of favorite pictures from the shoot. Here they are:

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