Monday, March 3, 2008

Cutest, Gooey-est Couple Ever

Saturday was Matt and CarrieAnn's wedding. I don't know if I have ever seen Matt so happy, and I have known him for 4 1/2 years. They are perfect for each other...they just fit so well and have a great time together. Everytime I have seen them together they are always laughing! They had a wonderful day, even though there was a small hiccup when they got to the temple, but no big deal. The weather was not ideal, but at least the snow stayed away until after we were done shooting our pictures at the temple. It was windy, but not too cold. CarrieAnn liked it because then we could try and use the wind for fun. It turned out, though, that the wind just blew her veil out of her hair, and it had to be retired for most of the shoot. Their reception was really good, too. I don't think I have seen that MANY people at a reception...well, a Mormon reception. I mean, there was a steady a river, of people coming the entire reception! It was crazy, but they had fun. I got tired, and probably didn't take as many pictures as I have at other weddings, but they still ended up with almost 300 shots, so I don't know if there is going to be any complaining.

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