Monday, April 6, 2009

6 months old- a couple weeks late

I am really behind on my blogging. There has been so much and yet not much going on. It is how my friends from college, Christian and Rob, would put it "Same sh*$, different day". The only thing that seems to change are my kids. Sometimes the changes are good. Like Julianna is now 6 months old...well, she was on March 20th. I said I am a little bit behind on my blogging! Sheesh! Here are a few cute pics of Julianna at 6 months:

Here she is blowing "raspberries" at me when we went to the park:
And here is her royal cuteness in the bath. This was the first bath she has taken when she sat up by herself and played with toys. It kinda helps to not have big sister and big brother in the bath with you!

1 comment:

Bumm crew said...

The tub shot is SO cute! I love Henry's slide shot too. You have cute kids. Very photogenic.