My baby was born today, September 20th at 10:51 a.m. She was 9 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. She has a ton of dark hair. (I guess the old wives' tale about heartburn really paid off in this instance!) She was born at home in a birthing tub. She is only about 5 hours old now, and I feel really good. My water broke at about 6:30 a.m. It really was a beautiful morning here. Right now, I am watching a thunder storm cleanse the earth...I love the rain.
Evie and Henry were really good to me during the birth. They kept coming over and stroking my hair and giving me hugs and kisses. Evie got scared when the baby started to crown because I was yelling, but we coaxed her out of her room and she was able to watch the birth with Henry. Nathan, my mom and my midwife and my kids were the people that where there. Nathan was great. He stayed calm and held my hand and rubbed my back and whispered that he loved me.
She's as cute as the rest! We are anxious to find out a name though. Congrats to all and kudos for doing the home birth. I never had the guts.
WOW - how exciting! We too can't wait to find out what you have named your BEAUTIFUL blessing. I just told all the kids Evie has a new sister and they had to all climb on me to see. They all say HI . Congrats.
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