So, every time I take my kids' pictures I think, "Who needs Kiddie Kandids, anyway?!" Today was no exception. I finally got around to taking Julianna's 8 month pictures today. Yes, I know that she will be 9 months old in 9 days, but so what...she's still 8 months old until the 20th, so I am golden! :) Anyway, I have also decided that I don't need some grandiose background set up to get really sweet pictures of my kids. Today I just stripped her down to her diaper and put her in the bathroom sink. Ta-dah! Instant cuteness! It was a little challenging trying to take her pictures in the sink: what with older sibs trying to play with her or be in the pictures, and then she would wiggle around so that she was facing the wrong way, it was a bit of a challenge. I tend to shoot a ton of pictures of kids and hope for the best. I ended up getting some really cute pictures.
Hi there!
Hi there!
Who's that baby?